Friday, October 14, 2005

Become A Problem Solver Expand Your Customer Base

How becoming a problem solver can work for you.
Just think of all the calls and unsolicited ads, householders and business men getting pushing the latest all singing all gadget or service get.
This is where you come in, instead of going straight for the sale, if you ask them lots of questions, and take an interest in the person in front of you or on the other end of the phone, they will come to know trust and like you, especially as you get them talking about their favourite subject themselves.

Remembering of course to ask questions about their utilities, with some social chat flung in ,afterwards remember to make a note of any interesting points that come up like hobbies kids etc ,so you reference them later on.
Always be genuinely interested in helping them solve their problems, bills too high etc.

Promote benefits not features ,half price calls from mobiles to home phone customers, free calls to their friends and family when they take the home phone service as well.
A point to remember is that the most successful businesses solve problems first, the money comes as a by product of being a problem solver.
Tesco’s could be considered to be an illustration of the point, just think, how easy it is to get all of your shopping at your local store ,much like us except we are a one stop utility shop .

When you get a potential Id it’s a similar process, are they looking for more money, more free time ,etc etc.
Why do they want whatever it is ,what would be the result of not having it, once you find out what they want help them get it, also it will help them when having a bad spell to look at their reasons for starting their own business as success can take a while to arrive, determination and stamina are two key qualities for any entrepreneur.
Best Regards

Looking To Save Some Money on Your Utility Bills?
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