Believe In Yourself Drive Yourself Forward
If you don't believe in yourself who will?
This is the one thing that will keep you going in the face of the doubters ,and in the middle of all the set backs that hit you when you run your own business.
Passion combines with belief will turn you into an unstoppable success machine.
If you don't believe in your product or service who else will,if not fix whats wrong or try another track.
When you started your business among other factors that drove your decision should have been the belief that you could do, it better or cheaper or even both.
If you have lost the desire ,return to the feeling you had at the outset ,this will drive you on,or at least point you in the right direction.
Money alone should nothave been the driving force in your decision o start your busines,maybe it wsa the pain of seeing something done badly.
It could have been the disgust at seeing the poor levels of service that some companies provide.
For some it's the feeling that if you stay put in a safe predictable job you neither like nor feel inpired by anymore,that drives them on,even in highly paid jobs many still have that feeling,so the prospect of money alone will not be a reason to start a business.
Its only the belief that you can do better than what already is available that will drive you to find your business be it as a service provider of some type or selling traditional goods

Looking for a Perfect System
This is the one thing that will keep you going in the face of the doubters ,and in the middle of all the set backs that hit you when you run your own business.
Passion combines with belief will turn you into an unstoppable success machine.
If you don't believe in your product or service who else will,if not fix whats wrong or try another track.
When you started your business among other factors that drove your decision should have been the belief that you could do, it better or cheaper or even both.
If you have lost the desire ,return to the feeling you had at the outset ,this will drive you on,or at least point you in the right direction.
Money alone should nothave been the driving force in your decision o start your busines,maybe it wsa the pain of seeing something done badly.
It could have been the disgust at seeing the poor levels of service that some companies provide.
For some it's the feeling that if you stay put in a safe predictable job you neither like nor feel inpired by anymore,that drives them on,even in highly paid jobs many still have that feeling,so the prospect of money alone will not be a reason to start a business.
Its only the belief that you can do better than what already is available that will drive you to find your business be it as a service provider of some type or selling traditional goods

Looking for a Perfect System

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