Saturday, July 23, 2005

Upcoming Energy Price Rises

Hi Everyody
In yesterdays Daily Express there was a full page advert from Powergen,defending their decision to raise their prices to their customers,British Gas also have another rise in the pipeline,no pun intended.
There is also talk of Scottish Power,and Scottish and Southern(Hydro) merging both are not renowed for low prices so watch out for raises to their customers too.

Take advantage of this and think of ways to promote the energy side of your Utility Warehouse,business.

Admittedly you don't raise much income on energy only customers,however with Home Phone Line Rental,now on board and an aditional range of mobile handsets it should be easier to get multi- service customers,with the benefits of the savings and covnenience of only one bill and one company to deal with for their utilities,the average householder spends 42 hours a year paying bills aparently.

The advent of The Business Club should also increase the customer base available to us all ,although energy will only be available to home based businesses to begin with.

So enjoy the good wetaher while it lasts and think about ways to get customers from powergen and British Gas.,

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Broadband and Phone Package

Great news that the package trialled over the last couple of months,for 512Kpbs boadbannd and unlimited Uk calls,is now a permanent addition to our range.
At £19.95 a month this is surely going to be a surefire way to gather customers.
Email me at for details.

With the new business club due to roll out at he end of July ,this will broaden the customer base no end.
Business club seems to be made up of dsicounted calls and line rental,broadband either single user or networked mobiles with line rental from £5 a month,calls from 3p a minute between handsets and energy for those who work from home.
So now be may be the time to work out a list of potential targets and get ready to approach them after launch.

An excellent resorce for any one looking to start any kind of online business can be found here

Apologogies for the delay betwen updates on this blog .
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