Monday, December 26, 2005

How To Get People To Open Up To You

If you are going to a networking meeting,the first couple of times can be a bit worrying.
Decide first if you are looking for customers or distributors,as this will determine what your elevator pitch will be ,when asked what business you are involved with.
Try to make who ever you meet curious,though don't monopolise the conversation.
The object is to get the other person to talk about themselves more,as they are the most fascinating person they know,the same rings true for everyone.

An experiment was carried out on a plane where a physcologist talked to the person next to him,kept all the conversation focused on the other person and never revealed anything at all about himself.
When the phsycologist's assistant interviewed the man after the flight,the man said the physcologist was the most fascinating person he knew,but did not even know his name or any other details.
Draw your own conclusions from that.

So what kind of questions will work best?
Try some of these you probably won't get time to use them all.

How did you get your start in .....?
Again this lets them tell their story.

What do you enjoy most about your profession?

What seperates you from the competition?

What advice would you give someone going into the ..... business?

What one thing would do with your buisness if you knew you couldn't fail?

What significant changes have you seen in your line of business over the last few years?

What do you see as the coming trends in the ... business over the next few years?

Whats the funniest thing/strangest thing that's happened to related to your business?

What have you found to be the best way of promoting your business?

So those should keep you going and help make your prospect feel you are interseted in them,you should also get a wealth of information as well,that can help you decide whether or not your services or business is something that is suitable for that person.
If their answers are a little short at first try rephrasing the qusetion,until they open up .

Monday, December 19, 2005

How Bt and Britsh Gas Are Helping You

I'm sure most of you are aware of the recent price rises from these two companies.
Here's how you can use it to your advantage.

When you're going about you're day to day business ask some or all of the people you meet,"Have you seen the news about the line rental increases(gas price rises)?"
Usually there'll be some come back like yes terrible,or I'm not with them.
So you can reply with something like are they any good,how much are you paying?
Do you like paying that much?

Well I'm with a company that can cut your bills by about £350 a year,by combining all your utility bills and applying wholesale rates to what are you charged.
Would you like to find out more?
Then go about securing the appointment and take it from there.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Keys To The Treasure Chest

Here are some keys to the treasure chest that lie within your business.

1 Melt The Ice
The aim of this initial stage is to create a rapport with your customer/prospect by finding out about each other,needs wants don't wants.
What problems you can solve for them,better than their existing provider.
If someone likes you there's a better chance they will do business with you.
The key rule here is that all of us do business with people we know like and trust,this holds true for any one in the world today.

2 Find their hot button.

Find their hot button ,you will know easily when this happens,the other person will be excited ,angry or change their emotional state in some way,make note of this.
Once you have found their hot button,whether it,s paying too much,looking for extra income free time etc etc,that's what they will buy.
This is critical only sell what they will buy and you will be on a winner.
Everybody is motivated by one of two things to avoid pain or make a gain in some way.

3 Press The Hot Button
So you now know what it is that the propsect will buy so tailor your presentation to that.

For example your prospect says that they are tired of high phone bills.
So you then ask How much are you paying?
Do you like paying that much?
Well I can help you here,would you like to find out how? and then of course you illustrate how you help them.

Suppose they complain about their job.
They might complain about the long hours ,lack of apprecaition,,or not being paid enough.
So let's take not being paid enough as our example.
You might ask ,would you like to make more money? and folow up with questions like what would you do with that?what would it mean to you not having that money.
The effect here is to help them sell themselves on the idea of at least looking at your business or service.

4 Get a Commitment
So you've spent sometime with the prospect,and managed to find out what it is that motivates them to take your service or join your business in their own words.
All you have to do from now on is sell to them using the information that has been freely volunteered to you.
So you're not happy with the size of your phone bills(or whatever service they aren't happy with),if I can show you a way to save on that bill without loss of quality ,will you try the service?

Or so you're looking for a way to make extra money every month,to buy a new car (or their own want or need)if I can show you a way to get that car will you join me ?

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