Monday, January 30, 2006

Sales Take Care of The Basics

So what are the basics of sales?
Who is your ideal customer ,what kind of person or group of people does your product or service work best for ?
There would be no point in being the best at making wellington boots and then trying to do your selling in Jamaica would there?

Where is your prospect usually it's best to try and be based near your prospective customers,ater all travelling time is not selling time.

Try to workout what are your customers wants ,most do not buy on need but on want,
who needs an ipod after all?

Always aks questions where appropriate such as how much is your phone bill every month?
Do you like paying that much?
Is your mobile contract or pay a lot as you go?

What is unique about your product or service?
Do you offer convenience like all your utilities on one bill and cheaper too for example.
If you think there is a cost saving to be made quantify it.
If the prospect is unhappy with the size of his phone bill it can be usefull to use phrases like " so you want to cut the size of your bill let me show you how we can do that" makes the customer feel involved as well.

Try to let your customer do most of the talking to most of us we are our favourite subject,repeat back what they say,but rephrase it slightly avoid being a parrot.

Always always ask for a referral,is there anyone you would like to call for free,help them out here,jog thier memory for them,who do you play golf with you want to call free?who do you call regularly from the bridge club? and so on.

Also send a note thanking them for being your customer once they decided to take your productr or service,along with a reminder of all your contact details,they'll remeber it and think well of you and your company because of this.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Obey The First Rule Of Selling

The first rule is to treat your customers the way you like to be treated.
Do you like to be ignored,overcharged,sold a produvt that doesn't suit your needs?
Do you like poor service,or having a salesperson in front of you for ages,refusing to take no for an answer?
Anyone who has had a kitchen or double glazing salesman in their house will know what I mean.

No well neither do most of today's consumers.

Put yourself in the customers shoes sell benefits not features,ask carefull well crafted questions.
ask yourself what would I want in this persons shoes and set out to give it to them.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Networking An Additonal Way To Promote Your Business

Networking can be looked upon as an extra way to gather new customers for your busines s.
It's not fast ,but you should build a large mutually beneficial referral system where,everyone wins.
Of course it take time to build trust with your new aquaintances,but in the long run it will help you and your new friends.
Places to look at would be BNI clubs,Bob(business over breakfast club) clubs,chambers of commerce,round table and rotary clubs.

Online look at as examples and network to connect .

Take some time to get a feel for those sites and be prepared to be patient to see any results.

Interestingly enough one of the contacts I have made is Debbie kendrick,of Forever Living Products,and I know that anything to help with your health is popular ,you can view her site here

Another possibly interesting contact I made through Ecademy is Rob Collyer who offers seach engine optimisation,and is currently doing a deal at £60 a year ,more details

Looking for the perfectsystem?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

FREE CALLS for your customers

No doubt you have seen the latest news regarding the 3 months of free calls for your new customers.

This is for either homephone or mobile customers with no restriction on the call type.

The average of the first 12 months spend is taken,and given in moths 13 14 and 15 as a credit to their account.

Fantastic,especially with BT raising their line rental,this month,and given the fact that Utility Warehouse already gaurantees savings against BT's best prices any way .

The word FREE is surely one of a customers favourite words anyway,this is effectively a 25% discount on their second year's spend with us.

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